Goal 6 Teleconference 10/10/2014 In attendance: Kim Lambert, Will Miller (SILC office), Deidra Dockery, John Marens, Oshana Watkins, Gloria Bellamy, absent Pamela Lloyd-Ogoke (Pam), and Sandra Hicks. Meeting chaired by: Kim Lambert Data on performance of the following activities will be provided by DVR and DSB. SPIL Goal 6 – DSUs provide Independent Living Services The Goal 6 Committee will monitor, review and evaluate implementation of SPIL Goal 6, including the following objectives and activities, and will report its findings to the full SILC council. Objective 6.1: people with disabilities have greater access to transportation in their communities. Activity 6.1.1 People with disabilities participate in the local transportation decision-making process. DSB and DVR will continue to advise their counselors to encourage any local advisory boards to include a person with disabilities in the decision making process. This is already being done across the state. Activity 6.1.2 People with disabilities are identified to serve on boards. Deidra provided us a list of the Transit advisory boards, DSB has 15 Counselors cover the state. DSB works closely with boards in all the counties to make sure that people with disabilities have access to transportation. Will get with Pam and find out what DVR is doing. ILR Counselors also need to be sent an email, who will do this? Activity 6.1.3 The DSUs will increase rural transportation options for persons with disabilities in NC. This is ongoing. DSB has paid for 10 vehicle modifications. Need to get with Pam and find out what DVR is doing. Activity 6.1.4 The designated state units research funding opportunities for transportation. The Public Dept of Transportation sends out Grant applications when funds become available statewide. Need to get with DVR and see if anyone is doing this is doing this for them. Activity 6.1.5 The designated state units share information gained from research with community groups of and/or for individuals with disabilities (e.g. CILs, local mayor’s committees for individuals with disabilities, agency consumers). This is being done presently. Objective 6.2: people with disabilities have the supports necessary to live independently and safely in the communities of their choice. Activity 6.2.1 The designated state units develop new partnerships to educate hospital discharge planners to incorporate person centered principles. * This activity is already being carried out. Added to year-end report. VR and DSB Division of Aging Conference on Hospital Discharge planning have presented and participated. Also attended state employee’s health fair. Activity 6.2.2 The designated state units collaborate with Division of Medical Assistance to enable utilization of the Money Follows the Person funding and resources to deinstitutionalize persons from skilled-level nursing facilities. * This is ongoing and already included in DVR's quarterly report to the SILC. Activity 6.2.3 The designated state units provide IL skills training by qualified practitioners. * By referring to the SILS, can pay if necessary. DSB provides direct services, mini centers provide skills training. Need to develop uniform standard reporting form to track with DSB and DVR. Activity 6.2.4 The designated state units provide supports that enhance the quality of life such as housing and vehicle modifications, assistive technology, and durable medical equipment. * This activity is ongoing; included in quarterly report. These are provided in aggregate; check and see if figures can be broken out by type. Still working on it. Getting a new software system, will ask for it to be broken out. DSB has form so that information can be consistent. Will discuss with Pam. Activity 6.2.5 The designated state units support the development and expansion of local aging and disability resource connections (CRC). * Division of aging, DSB and DVR involved already, ongoing activity. Objective 6.3: Veterans with disabilities receive seamless supports and services that allow them to live independently. Activity 6.3.1               The designated state units increase communication and collaboration with the Veterans Administration and other programs serving veterans. * DSB has close relationship with VA offices and has cell phone number to call. Training with VA. Every county has VA office and they have done a lot of outreach. New facility in Greenville. John- VR State Rehab Council meeting had a rep from VA. Looking to create MOA from VR and VA. John will check on it. Deidra – added a link on the DSB website to the VA, NC page and they added the DSB link. In review: * Obj. 6.1: will look for centralized listing of boards, which will help with reporting on activities for this objective. * Obj. 6.2: many of these are already reported on; will continue to report and check with local units if needed to get more detail. * Obj. 3: already being done just need to include in report. * A list of question will be generated and forwarded to Pam at DVR asking for some imput on the activities from the DVR. A list of questions that was sent to Pam is attached. Next Goal 6 teleconference: Friday, December 12, 2014 at 9:30AM Respectfully submitted by Kim Lambert