Goal 2 Minutes December 18, 2014 In attendance: Sandra Hicks, Gloria Bellamy (Chair), Joshua Kaufman, Rene Cummins, John Marens, Will Miller (SILC Office) Gloria called the meeting to order at 4:33 Rene Cummins will provide summary of funding for this goal at SILC meeting during Goal 2 report. Gloria Bellamy asked how we have recouped on investment in youth at YLF who have graduated from the program. Can we reach out to them? Could they be trained to do peer mentoring? Rene Cummins reported that they have a Facebook page and keep in touch across the state. They also become change agents in their communities. Sierra Royster will request to be on the agenda to discuss Youth Leadership Forum. Rene will ask if she can summarize info about Youth Leadership Forum related activities between events. Gloria suggested that NCSILC add info about community change projects to SILC website. Gloria asked if there were any success stories about people becoming employed that might be shared through Facebook. No response. Gloria spoke of upcoming WIOA changes and anticipation of regulations and how can we do resource building to fund more youth for Youth Leadership Forum; perhaps holding a western and central Youth Leadership Forum for those parts of state. Thinking about corporate sponsorship, bumper stickers that advertise IL in NC with phone number, etc.? The group was asked for their ideas. John Marens agreed with the idea of corporate sponsorship, and suggested getting input from VR about who the biggest employers are in state that they are able to work with. These may be good folks to target for sponsorships since they already have awareness of disability issues. We could also go to Chambers of Commerce. Joshua Kaufman shared that there are banks in Charlotte area that are involved with philanthropy and nonprofit support. Gloria mentioned an article from the Smithsonian magazine and shared ideas of art contests. John Marens asked if we would have access to video when approaching businesses / Chambers of Commerce. Rene asked for clarification on which video. Alliance has a video that featured Kay McMillan that could be used for this purpose. Another is called "Certain Proof". John Marens clarified that he was referring to more of an intro; not as long. Rene stated that there is a segment on YouTube that only includes segment with Kay in it. Kay is former participant and current mentor with YLF. Gloria asked if we are talking about creating a marketing packet, stating that she thinks we should. We would have more money for other SPIL goals if we could raise enough funds for Youth Leadership Forum and suggested that we create a template letter for fundraising. Do CILs have them? Rene shared that all CILs probably have them. These are typically tailored to the particular resource; no template. Corporations / other funders like to fund a particular project. It is best to make correspondence to potential donors specific to a project. Gloria suggested we have these things (a PR packet) in the incubator for when the SILC is able to resource build. Will Miller said that members can start putting some of these ideas into action as long as it is not on the SILC dime regardless of regs. I can help with this during my spare time (when not "on the clock") if things get up and running. Rene said that she will get in touch after winter break with what CILs have invoiced under Goal 2. "Certain Proof" costs $25 and is available to an organization for educational purposes for $200. The movie aired on the Starz channel and will send the link to the partial video. Gloria closed meeting at 5:05. Notes by Will Miller