Quarterly Membership Report February 10, 2016 Membership Meeting Minutes Attended: Keith Greenarch, Teresa Staley, Sandra Hicks and Sandy Ogburn Absent: Barry Washington Called to order at 11:15 am * Debbie Hipler had sent out an email stating that Boards and Commissions would be speaking to the Governor on our 2 appointees and we should know the status this week. * No applications pending. Look at recruiting and discuss at the next meeting. * Look at previous minutes and determine the status of Lacy Coward and Kristen Huntsuck. Were they voted on and sent to B&C. We understand that they very not approved awaiting a veteran appointment. * Mentor Program—Sandy Hicks discussed the mentorship program and the importance of communications with that person. Discussion from members resulted in a suggestion to have a mentorship training developed with the policy committee. Guidelines to be set as contact intervals with mentee and mentors, information sharing and a question and answer session. A short meeting of this group could be 1 hour prior to Thursday meetings to discuss any questions and or issues. The mentorship meeting would take place for 4 meetings with the mentees and then the mentees could become mentors and the process could come full circle and keep new members working with seasoned people. Adjourned at 11:45 AM