SILC Monthly Performance and Expenditure Report Month of: May 1 - 31, 2016 To: Kim Schmidt, Contract Administrator NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services From: Debbie Hippler, Operations Manager NC Statewide Independent Living Council Date: June 8, 2016 Re: Purchase Order #: 2017000634 Contract #: DVR# 00032733 Invoice #: 2016-08 Pay to: NC Statewide Independent Living Council 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 206, Raleigh, NC 27605 1. The date, location and number of NCSILC members and staff who attended the quarterly NCSILC and committee meetings: The following committees met via teleconference: Goal 2 Membership Committee on May 17th attended by 4 members Policy Committee did not meet during the month of May Finance Committee did not meet during the month of May Goal 3 Committee did not meet during the month of May There was not a Quarterly Board Meeting during the month of May. 2. The date, location, type of meeting/activity and the number of NCSILC members and staff who attended the SPIL related meetings/activities/conferences: One SPIL Writing Meeting was held at the SILC office on May 17th attended by 4 Board Members. NCSILC paid the registration for 1 new Board Member to receive online training on SILC Member Orientation to IL History and Philosophy during May 2016. The NCSILC paid travel, lodging and contractor expenses this month for the IL Summit which was held on May 10-12, 2016 with 26 people present for the Tuesday afternoon session and 23 were present for the Tuesday evening meeting. There were 31 Board Members present at the Wednesday morning short SILC Meeting to vote on the final SPIL and 31 people made the trip to the Legislator’s offices and made over 140 visits. 3. The type, amount, date and location of SPIL related information that was distributed: The NC SILC monitors and evaluates the SPIL goals of the State Plan on an ongoing basis. A report is made at the quarterly SILC meetings on the progress toward meeting each goal. There is a tracking document created to assist the Council in monitoring progress. A total of 156 Information and Referrals were made during the month of May, 2016. The NCSILC Website received 1,600 hits for an average of 51.6 hits per day during the month of May 2016. 4. General operations of the NCSILC non-profit office: The NCSILC paid wages/taxes for 2 pay periods for 2 staff members. NCSILC paid office rent, equipment rental/maintenance, supplies, and telephone/internet expenses. _________________________________ Debbie Hippler, Operations Manager NC Statewide Independent Living Council Expenditure Report for the month of: May 1 - 31, 2016 Amount to be reimbursed: $25,719.31 Expenditure Report - NC SILC, Inc. Cash Advance Amount $ 35,295.00 Cost Centers Budget Amount Balance Remaining Last Month Actual Expenditures This Month Remaining Balance This Month Cumulative Expenditures Salary/Wages 61,384.00 38,709.20 3,685.00 35,024.20 26,359.80 Fringe Benefits (federal and state income tax) 4,698.00 2,963.38 281.90 2,681.48 2,016.52 Accounting & Tax Services 695.00 605.75 561.03 44.72 650.28 Operational - Professional Services 5,815.00 4,180.88 2,208.76 1,972.12 3,842.88 Supplies & Materials 2,100.00 574.86 308.11 266.75 1,833.25 Travel - Contractor Staff 11,130.00 8,069.56 24.66 8,044.90 3,085.10 Travel - Board Members Expense 81,448.00 43,654.02 14,715.46 28,938.56 52,509.44 Printing & Binding 500.00 296.39 - 296.39 203.61 Media/Communication 999.00 178.34 (181.66) 360.00 639.00 Rent - Office Space 17,992.00 7,554.00 1,510.00 6,044.00 11,948.00 Utilities - Telephone 8,604.00 4,184.81 1,374.86 2,809.95 5,794.05 Equipment rental 5,340.00 1,944.52 384.83 1,559.69 3,780.31 Rent - other 3,920.00 2,546.13 - 2,546.13 1,373.87 Dues & Subscriptions 675.00 146.00 - 146.00 529.00 Insurance 3,400.00 1,381.00 1,057.71 323.29 3,076.71 Equipment - Office 750.00 354.02 (211.35) 565.37 184.63 Equipment - IT 550.00 550.00   550.00 - Gross Monthly Expenditures 210,000.00 117,892.86 25,719.31 92,173.55 117,826.45 Advance received in October 2015 35,295.00 Maximum Reimbursement/Total Contract 174,705.00 ** Explanation for Media/Communication & Utilities - Telephone Line Item expenses this month** The April Invoice for Worksmart (Check #2707 for $421.66 was originally charged to Media/Communication line item and should have been charged to the Utilities-Telephone line item. I reclassified the expenditure during the month of May