North Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council November 1, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting Conference Call 10:00 a.m. Meeting called to order Discussion: SILC office staff and management: Secretary will identify recent executive director job postings from other state SILCs on ILRU, CIL-net, and SILC-net and distribute them to committee. Committee members will review the examples and consolidate an updated job description adapted to NCSILC needs. Committee aims to draft job description and distribute to entire council for comment in advance of next quarterly meeting. Chair report: Contacted three accounting services agencies for quotes for potential office contract for SILC bookkeeping needs. Exploring possibility of moving SILC office in with DD Council as short-term option after current lease expiration. Awaiting updates regarding YLF coordinator and contract for 2018 conference. Committee discussed SILC funding sources, including other state practices of securing funds from diverse sources. Meeting adjourned